Actions Burn Brighter Than Words

The United States presents as a beacon of human rights. But it actually ignores international standards for human rights. To understand this and create change, we have to build a new foundation — we have to start with dignity.

What Is Happening In The U.S.?

The United States repeatedly violates fundamental human rights agreed upon by the United Nations. Without laws that protect human rights, the U.S. government strips us of our dignity. You can see some examples of these violations below.

How Does This Impact Mexico and Other Countries? 

When the United States undermines human rights, it often targets immigrants and people of color whose families originate from Mexico and other countries in Latin America, Africa, the Middle East, and Asia. When the U.S. government mistreats people, it sets a bad example and makes it harder to protect human rights around the world.

What Is Human Dignity?

Human Dignity is the equal value and worth that all human beings are born with. Dignity is inherent and inalienable, which means we don’t have to do or be anything to earn it, neither can it be taken away.

What Are Human Rights?

Human Rights are fundamental rights that are granted to all people. We have these rights not because we are citizens of a particular state or country — we have them simply because we are human. 75 years ago, the United Nations established the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The United States has signed multiple treaties to strengthen these rights around the world, but has not done enough to protect them in its own country.

Why Does It Matter?

The promise of equal rights is at the heart of our democracy. It acknowledges that we all have dignity. When we start with dignity, we light the way for inclusive policies and practices that allow everyone to thrive.

What Needs To Change?

U.S. leaders must pass laws that are grounded in recognizing our humanity and dignity; laws that protect human rights. Now is the time to demand action. As the world prepares to recognize the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights on December 10, 2023, the United States must pledge to protect human rights for us all without exception, exclusion, or excuse.

What Can I Do About It?

We have the power to hold U.S. leaders accountable. Start by getting to know the issues at the heart of our fight, share what dignity means to you, and show your support for the pledge to protect human rights and dignity. Every action, no matter how small, can make a difference.

U.S. Law Enforcement Ignores Human Dignity

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights prioritizes the preservation of life and prohibits discrimination and inhumane treatment. Some U.S. law enforcement policies do not honor these fundamental rights. 

Campaign to Change the Use of Force Standard

U.S. law enforcement agencies have low standards for use of force that are out of step with international standards. This deviation allows them to brutalize and kill residents, like Anastasio Hernández Rojas, George Floyd, and many others without consequences. 

Experts estimate that every year in the United States, over 1 million people are threatened with or subjected to use of force, and 250,000 are harmed as a result. Over 1,000 are killed by local, state and federal agents. The year 2022 was the deadliest.   

Most of the people harmed and killed are people of color, especially Black and Latinx people. Law enforcement gets away with using excessive force because the standards to use force are so low and only require that the officer show that the force was ‘reasonable’. The international human rights standard requires more — it limits force to ‘necessary and proportionate.’ It’s time to heighten the standard in the United States.

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